Is Uncle Sam seeking an excuse to topple Saudi regime?

  If loss of human lives in Afghanistan and Pakistan counts as of no value, still American taxpayers have a right to ask why nearly a trillion dollars of their hard-earned money went down the drain for attacking a wrong enemy.   A new turn in the story of 9/11 now suggests that it was … More Is Uncle Sam seeking an excuse to topple Saudi regime?

Can Chuck Hagel survive the onslaught of pro-Israeli lobby?

Criticizing Israel is no less than an act of blasphemy and criticism by someone from the US can dash all his hopes to be someone important in the administration. Sen. Chuck Hegel from Nebraska and a decorated Vietnam veteran, recently nominated to take the reins of US war machine as Secretary Defense is expected to … More Can Chuck Hagel survive the onslaught of pro-Israeli lobby?

Uncle Sam, think again if you have any mischief in your mind…..

Pakistan, heretofore, crushed under a heavy burden of debt due to its dwindling exports, earns the title of an exporter of terror to Afghanistan. Imagine, exporting something to a market which is already overflowing with that commodity. If that is true, Pakistanis are bad business people. People are anticipating a US misadventure. As a prelude … More Uncle Sam, think again if you have any mischief in your mind…..

When rich and mighty use naked force to thwart economic challenges…..

Hussain Saqib The world was ushered into the present millennium with growing threats to its security; some countries face existential threats, others face threats to their economic hegemony. And those having military might at their disposal would prefer the use of naked force to neutralize even the threats to their economy. Normally, economic threats are … More When rich and mighty use naked force to thwart economic challenges…..

American ideals and the politics of expedience …

President Barack Obama delivered his inaugural address immediately after his oath-taking which was heart-warming and which inspired hope for the passive voices. He repudiated the policies of his successors in so far as these relate to human rights abuses in the name of national security. To read his words literally, Mr. Obama blamed no one … More American ideals and the politics of expedience …

US intervention in Libya is spearheaded by three ladies….

The military intervention of the United States and other allies in Libya to support the rebels was lacking in international ethics for many reasons; particularly when the West has dual standards of operation in the global arena. While the turmoil in Libya has raised concerns (read: interest) in the West, a similar turmoil in the … More US intervention in Libya is spearheaded by three ladies….

What are the job specs of an American “diplomat”?

The issue of Raymond Davis seems to have triggered the process of rewriting jobs specifications of a diplomat, particularly the one who comes from across the Atlantic Ocean and finds himself posted in places like Pakistan. A diplomat now does not need to be a member of the Foreign Service; he needs to have other … More What are the job specs of an American “diplomat”?